Training Program

Developed by a team of experienced emergency management practitioners and based on international best practices, these courses are tailored to meet specific requirements for the role of the Municipal Emergency Coordinator, as set out by Provincial legislation.


We offer these courses across Manitoba, so you don’t have to go far to participate.


The courses will be in person,
so you will have networking opportunities with the educators and other participants.


Each course will provide credits toward a Municipal Emergency Coordinator Certification.

Sign up for the program!

MAMEC is dedicated to keeping the cost of the training program affordable for all communities. Another advantage to membership is a reduced rate for each training course; if you are not a member but wish to join MAMEC send us an email at [email protected] and we will forward a membership application.

Our Experts:

MAMEC Executive Board worked with a Course Developer and Educator with a Doctorate and over +15 years’ experience in Emergency Management to research, develop and write these training modules. The development team also included students from the University of Winnipeg who have assisted with the research on this project.

Courses Offered

Module 1: The Role of the Municipal Emergency Coordinator

Module 2: Hazard and Risk Assessment: The process and how to use it as a foundation for plans

Module 3: How to prepare a Community Emergency Plan that meets community needs

Module 4: Emergency Operations Centre; their purpose, set-up, communicating with the Emergency Site, your team and your Council

Module 5: Reception Centre training

Module 6: Volunteers; how to find them, how to train them, how to keep them

Module 7: Understanding Trauma and Grief, a Community Response Through Care and Connection

Module 8: Exercise Design